Scottie dog guards the chimney on Christmas Eve. Lets hope he ll allow Santa Claus in the house! 1947
Royal Blue the Kings racing pigeon and first carrier of the war" Royal Blue" the Kings racing pigeon and first carrier of the war carried a message from a force landed plane on hte Continent has been invested with the animals VC The Dickin Medal
Bob Noell tickling a gorilla. 18 April 1968
Paul Wilson and dog Mickey. 1938
Mr Cherry Keartons wonderful chimpanzee accompanies him in his film lecture Wild Animal Life. Mary with Mr Cherry Kearton. 28 April 1926
Ken Russell - self portrait taken on timer A racing dog wants some keeping up with - unless you re the proud possessor of a pogo stick like this old fashioned lady is. Up she goes
Fetch! Weimaraner carrying long log through woods
A ewe with her dog friend climb in the window of a sports car in West Malling. 1937
Peter, zoo chimp, gives his keeper a close shave! Keeper Harry Browns dailyPeter, zoo chimp, gives his keeper a close shave
Mr Matt Kelly, head keeper at Manchesters Belle Vue Zoo, seems to have a job ahead of him scrubbing this array of ivory
The nurse chimpanzee. Snooky, said to be the most human - like chimpanzeeThe nurse chimpanzee. " Snooky ", said to be the most human - like chimpanzee in the world, nursing the baby daughter of Mr and Mrs John Rounan, of Los Angeles. 31 December 1923
Elephant doing tricks for the camera, Tanya rehearses at the London Palladium for the Royal Variety Performance, which will be attended by the Queen. 13th November 1967
Bathing Von Bruno - an 18 stone St Bernard 1963
In Harrods a Cassowary ( price 250 guineas ) - one of the items for sale in the pets department at Harrods, the famous London store. 11 July 1968
Elephant learning to drive a car
SANDY, an 18 month old Golden Retriever, is placidly homeward bound as he is photographed here, teeth clamped into the wicker basket which contains the family joint
Ten-month old chimpanzee Casey caught playing court to Caesar, a champion Chihuahua. He is helping prepare him for next months Crufts Dog Show
Skippy the poodle has remarkable road safety sense and escorts her charges across the zebra crossing at Heston in Middlesex. 10th March 1954
The Ladies Kennel Association are holding their annual Show at Olympia in London today
Black Labrador puppies tucking in to something tasty with their mother watching patiently licking her lips
Dog socialites Candide and Koko on right have a dinner martini at the 400 Restaurant where they performed in the current drive for funds for the New York Lighthouse Association for the Blind
Henry Woggins, the pet dog of Mrs Fraser Simpson, author of Footsteps in the NightHenry Woggins, the pet dog of Mrs Fraser Simpson, author of " Footsteps in the Night"
Whenever she went out in the car Mischief a three year old spaniel owned by Trisha Bingham, who lives near Eastbourne, came back crying
Cute puppies hanging on the linePuppies hanging on the line!
Portable wireless! Typical British bulldog is quite content with his Marconi receiving set and headphones.1922
Donkey - Linda at London Zoo ?TopFoto Jaws retort response joke hey tongue long in the tooth dental inspection open wide loud pay attention shout noise nostrils
Cat in dumbwaiter at public house in Bellingham, London. 1939
Two with a single heart! Graceful necks as swans do a little billing and cooing in a quiet corner of the pond. heartshape 22 April 1937
What big teeth you ve got. Child with hippopotamus
Monkey with passionate hatred of women. But she likes men. With a fierce southern temperMonkey with passionate hatred of women. But she likes men
Orang-utang - or Orangutan - makes Christmas pudding
Slow But Sure The time honoured saying The Way To A Mans HeartSlow But Sure The time honoured saying " The Way To A Mans Heart Is Through His Stomach", applys equally where tortoises are concerned
A little girl looks at the rabbits. 1937
Miss Barbara Kelly and her alsatians Meg and Coona "Miss Barbara Kelly and her alsatians " Meg " and " Coona ", who presented a canine cabaret at Olympia in aid of the Royal Veterinary College
A Kenyan hedgehog
London Zoo has an ostrich for the first time in nearly 2 years. After being withoutLondon Zoo has an ostrich for the first time in nearly 2 years
Young mother Shumba cradles her male offspring, named Kishum, who was the first arrival for the New Year at Howletts Zoo Park in Kent. Kishum weighed in at 3lb at 4am on January 1st 1990
Francis, a six-year-old male orangutan, has come from Munich Zoo as a new partner for Mary, the orangutan at London Zoo
Schoolgirls with their pets at school. 1939
Suffering from that morning after feeling, DICKSI, the African bull elephant, gratefully accepts a livener from his keeper at the London Zoo on Boxing Day morning. 26th December 1946
Famous lucky black cat strolls passed Number 10 Downing Street during the European Crisis 3 September 1939
Getting in trim for the circus ring. 16-year-old Olga Astley, one of Britain sGetting in trim for the circus ring
Have dog, will travel. A boy riding a bike with his dog on his back in a rucksack. 1936
Taking a quick rain check during a brief shower at Belle Vue Zoo, Manchester, these King Penguins had time to check that their feathers weren t too damp
Circus elephants, (unloading) Bexley. 1938
Nero a Great Dane and very well known in Hyde Park, shares a newspaper with his little mistress, Pamela Robinson in the park 22 October 1932
Jessie faced her birthday cake. Jessie, a favourite elephant in the Taronga Park Zoo, Sydney, New South Wales, accepting a portion of her 65th birthday cake from young guests at her birthday party
Traffic hold-up by cows crossing a road in Chislehurst, Kent. 1934
Dog and cat playing the piano
Mrs Ruth Harkness widow of an explorer, has succeeded in capturing alive a baby Giant Panda, one of the worlds rarest animals. 15 February 1938
Gorilla with easter egg
Aerial, a striptease actress from South America, has introduced a new thrill into her act, and performs in New York with two ten foot pythons
Dickens descendant tells the tale. Tiny Jennifer Downing, four-year-old great greatDickens descendant tells the tale
Marooned in flooded Kent. A dog takes refuge from the Kent floods, near Yalding, on a raft. 18 November 1935
In Harrods London : A Cassowary ( price 250 guineas ) - one of the items for sale in the pets department at Harrods, the famous London store. 11 July 1968
A pig leaning in an uncharacteristically sophisticated manner against the railings of its pen
A Dogs Dinner, 19th August 1963 In honour of his first birthday, dalmation Shawclough Buchaneer - known as Jasper - was given a slap-up birthday party, to which his master, cinema owner George Batty
Sam the Basset treats his torrid tongue to a refreshing dousing in a bucket of water after he had taken refreshment from a delicious looking boiled chicken he found on the kitchen table
Cock that charmed a butcher, is the enemy of all dogs !
Prince William, Duke of Cumberland accepting the surrender of the Jacobite rebels at Carlisle. 30 December 1745
This morning workmen on a building site in Lincolns Inn Fields, London, were joined by a new mate
Pastel Blue Autocrat, a beautiful old English sheepdog, came to the West Country dog clubs shown at Bristol well prepared for the spring weather. 3 April 1947
Memento of comradeship, striking Canadian presentation to Royal Irish Fusiliers at British Columbia House, London
Bear goes shopping in Oxford Street. 16 November 1934
Turkey time at the Chislehurst Show, Kent. 8 November 1934
A birds nest in an alarm bell in Dartford, Kent 1938
Puppies in their cage at the South Darenth Kennels in Kent. 1935
Chimps help with Pets Corners new floor. Receiving the assistance Jackie and Peter, the chimpanzees, workmen laying a new wooden floor Pets corner at the London Zoo
Dog in bed with alarm clock. 1932
Waiting for the bang!. Lumbering delightedly in pursuit of the elusive spheres, theWaiting for the bang!
A man gives a drink to a tamed squirrel that is perched on his shoulder. 1939
Zoo rears a horned pheasant by hand. Chick spurns foster mother. A horned pheasant chick which is extremely independent is being reared by hand at the London zoo
Where is Minnie ? Off for a ride on Moocher. Bear and tortoise are close friends. 19 October 1934
Duckling and Rabbit. 1934
This is the life ! thinks Azi, the 18 month old African Chimp at Belle Vue Zoo, Manchester. 2 year old Roger Sayer seems to be pretty happy about the arrangement too
Tantalising!. Lumbering delightedly in pursuit of the elusive spheres, the BearsTantalising!. Lumbering delightedly in pursuit of the elusive spheres
A ewe with a dog on her back in West Malling. 1937
Grapes?. The Crystal Palace National Show of Cage Birds has opened at the Dorland Hall, Regent Street
The chimps washing though!. Peter hangs out the clothes. When Peter and Jackie, theThe chimps washing though!. Peter hangs out the clothes
Rain would spoil his beauty!. An Old English Sheepdog wearing his mac asRain would spoil his beauty!
Dog ( Cinders ) sitting at piano. 1935
No bone of contention is this delicious looking meal shared amicably by huge Bull Mastiff dog and tiny dark eared, dark nosed Siamese kitten
Steve Donaghue at the Donkey Derby start. 1934
Cock that charmed a butcher, is the enemy of all dogs !. Billy, cock whose charmingCock that charmed a butcher, is the enemy of all dogs !