The Grand National at Aintree Racecourse, Liverpool. Sergeant Murphy coming home to win. 23 March 1923
Coronation - children having a street party to celebrate. Norfolk Crescent, Sidcup photographer: John Topham colourised from original black & white image 2 June 1953
Slice of light fruitcake on white plate. credit: Marie-Louise Avery / thePictureKitchen / TopFoto
Janssons Temptation, (Janssons Frestelse) a classic Swedish dish of potato, onion and Swedish anchovies. Swedish anchovies arre - in fact salted sprats
Transport Road 1926 Cunningham V6 Sport Touring
Light fruit cake topped with almonds in tin credit: Marie-Louise Avery / thePictureKitchen / TopFoto
Single slice of rich chocolate cake layered with chocolate butter cream credit: Marie-Louise Avery / thePictureKitchen / TopFoto
Hot buttered crumpets on white plate credit: Marie-Louise Avery / thePictureKitchen / TopFoto
Freshly picked globe artichokes, with metal colander. credit: Marie-Louise Avery / thePictureKitchen / TopFoto
Classic French apple tart credit: Marie-Louise Avery / thePictureKitchen / TopFoto
Globe artichoke growing. The Globe artichoke (Cynara scolymus) is a species of thistle
Potato Tortilla 250gm cooked potatoes (still firm) 1 onion, sliced 1 clove garlic
French apricot tart, in Patisserie Lenoir in Valbonne, south of France credit: Marie-Louise Avery / thePictureKitchen / TopFoto
Pink garden rose against dark background indoors in silver vase credit: Marie-Louise Avery / thePictureKitchen / TopFoto
Crumbling, dilapidated entrance doorway and balcony of old French maison de maitre from the south of France, near Toulouse credit: Marie-Louise Avery / thePictureKitchen / TopFoto
Chianti classico in traditional old fashioned raffia covered bbottle on restaurant table with pizza credit: Marie-Louise Avery / thePictureKitchen / TopFoto