La Maison Moderne c. 1902 (poster) by Manuel Orazi (1898-1934) Location Musee des Arts DecoratifsLa Maison Moderne c.1902 (poster) by Manuel Orazi (1898-1934) Location Musee des Arts Decoratifs, Paris, France ?TopFoto
Stainless steel steam locomotive as challenger of diesel electrics
A pretty military wedding. The marriage of Mr Linley Messel and Miss Anne Alexander at St Marks North Audley St. The bride and bridegroom. 11 October 1932
Vision of the Holy Grail appearing at King Arthurs Court 1470
Blind Goddess, fortune of her wheel, with King Arthur enthroned 1316
Guinevere gives Bohort a ring for Lancelot 14th century
King Arthur on the horse of one of the rebels who claimed the throne
Lancelot tells his tales of the quest to King Arthur. Guinevere on the eve of the pentecost, Romance of the St Graal, 1316. King Arthur, page 49
The Swan Theatre, London, 1596, (1893). The Swan theatre was built by Francis Langley in c1595. The last known mention of the theatre dates from 1632
John Nash design for the Royal Pavilion in Brighton - The Great Kitchen was one of the first areas to be completed as part of John Nashs reconstruction of the Pavilion
The Regents Coat of Arms, from Sovereigns of the Bath, 1803
Galahad comes to King Arthur 1250-80. Sir Galahad was one of the knights of King Arthurs Round Table in Arthurian legend
Texture - abstract
In a city of nightmare houses. From Los Angeles showing a ice cream shop known as the Igloo 16 May 1928
New World Peace Flag designed by the Reverend J W Van Kirk Youngstown, Ohio USA 1919
Leather bag decorated with motif of a cats face, market stall, Dieppe, Seine-Maritime, Normandy, France
Block making in Wilmington, Kent. Master Alan F G Campbell finishing off a design. 27 April 1939
Block making in Wilmington, Kent. A close up of a completed wooden block. 27 April 1939 charloton
Gates fashioned from old wheels in Farnborough, Kent. 1938
Model of the cathedral organ at the Chislehurst Industrial Exhibition, Kent. 1938
Block making in Wilmington, Kent. Another block making method. 27 April 1939
Block making in Wilmington, Kent. A rotary block. 27 April 1939 charloton
Block making in Wilmington, Kent. Casting a block. 27 April 1939
Block making in Wilmington, Kent. Mister G E Campbell using a special gas heater in making the design on this block. 27 April 1939
Block making in Wilmington, Kent. Mr Hitchens at work on a block. 27 April 1939
Block making in Wilmington, Kent. MR G E Campbell examining a design for a block. 27 April 1939
Dartford Prints Works. 1934
Spirals edging on a third century mosaic floor of a Roman villa on the island of Delos, Greece
Block making in Wilmington, Kent. A metal block design. 27 April 1939 charloton
Block making in Wilmington, Kent. Mr E G Hitchens a blockmaker at work. 27 April 1939 charloton
Heart shape made of various coloured Cypriot pebbles credit: Marie-Louise Avery / thePictureKitchen / TopFoto