Miss Marjorie Moss, the well known terpsichorean artiste. 17 December 1926
Heroine of London romance. Mlle Maria Ley, the famous Continental danseuse who has just been married secretly at St Martins Registry Office, to Mr Franz Deutsche
Senora Martinez De Hoz, wife of the well known Argentine owner, who gained his second success in the French Derby at Chantilly. 18 June 1927
Frances most successful woman owner Mme Yvette Laurent, the well known Paris society woman and blood stock fancier, who has had a remarkably successful season 23 January 1926
Now associated with one of the worlds most famous dressmakers. Lady Abdy, who has recently taken up a position with Mlle Gabrielle Chanel. 19 December 1929
Charming English actress for Australia. Miss Margaret Bannerman ( born in TorontoCharming English actress for Australia
Well known aviator said to be most smartly dressed man in France. M Pierre Play, the well known aviator, who is said to be the most smartly dressed man in France. 23 November 1926
Doggy. Mrs Mortimer Davis, as she appeared at the Paris races last week. 3 August 1928
Niece of German Secretary of State who makes her debut in the films. Miss Erica Dernburg, who is well known in Berlin society, where she was " discovered " by Herr Reinhardt
She works the clock round. Alice Hemingway, a well known mannequin employed by Louis Bourbon of Paris. 19 November 1932
Senora Dodero, of Buenos Aires, with her little daughter Marquita, who are paying a visit to England. 26 March 1926
Miss Tessy Harrison, whose marvellous dancing is now drawing great crowds to the Capucins Theatre, Paris. 17 December 1926 dance / dancing / party season / celebration / happy vintage news archive
Lili Damita, wearing the magnificent silver brocade coat presented by Jenny. 24 October 1929
Mlle Andree Lafayette, who is at present in London. 16 March 1928
Titled slave to the Charleston. Countess Ulrich Kinsky, who gave a New Year dance at Castle Hermanmiestetz, Czecho Slovakia, where every one of the 40 numers was a Charleston
Magnet of theatre going Paris. Miss Tessy Harrison whose marvellous dancing is now drawing crowds to the Capucins Theatre
Frances Best dressed woman visits England for first time. Mme Windgart, who is staying with titled friends near Scarborough. 3 August 1928
Could not abandon the stage. Mlle Jane Aubert, the leading lady Good NewsCould not abandon the stage
Princess Achille Murat. 12 November 1932
Lady Mortimer Davis wearing her famous diamonds and pearls. 6 January 1928
Ascot fashions from Paris. Mme Agnes, the famous French modiste, who is expectedAscot fashions from Paris
5 year old earning ?50 a week. Great great great great niece of Franz Peter Schubert, the famous composer, little Elfi is at present appearing with great success in Vienna
Polyglot boy of five. Willie nassau, son of Professor Nassau of Vienna University, who speaks and writes German, English, French, Italian, Russian and Swedish. 12 March 1927
Worlds youngest B A Mlle Trude Grundmann, a pupil at the College of Sacred Heart, Vienna, who, although but 15 years of age, has just became a full fledged Bachelor of Arts. 28 January 1927
Mr Fujita. - Tsuguharu Foujita Japanese Painter 22 July 1927
The Baronesses Mayr Melnhof, of Castle Peanberg, Syria. 8 February 1927
One armed pianist, Practises 6 hours a day with left hand. Paul WittgensteinOne armed pianist, Practises 6 hours a day with left hand
M Tristan Bernard, Frances richest litterateur, with his granddaughter and sole heiress, Mignonne
Tiny pianist plays Liszt and Chopin before King and Queen of Italy. Amadeo SeilernTiny pianist plays Liszt and Chopin before King and Queen of Italy
Smile which brought a fortune. Timon Berczelly, the three year old foundling who has just been adopted by the Baroness Takasy, Hungarys wealthiest woman, who has nominated him as her sole heir
Guest of honour at the Anglo - French Luncheon Club. Mr Tristan Bernard, the famous French novelist and his granddaughter. 29 May 1928
Herr William Kienzl, Austrias greatest living composer. 31 January 1927
Nothing English about her except her looks. Mlle Gregoritz, who has attainedNothing English about her except her looks
Champion woman steeplechase rider. Frau Schmidt Melius, who a few days ago at Erfurt, won a handicap steeplechase when riding her own horse against professional male jockeys. 18 Februay 1927
Portrait as reward. Mme Costes, wife of the distinguished French airman who hadPortrait as reward
Great Great Great daughter of Queen Victoria engaged. HRH Princess Cecilia of Greece who will shortly marry the hereditary Grand Duke George Donatus of Hesse. 31 December 1930
Woman Diplomatist. Mlle Helene Straubm who is to be Austrias first minister to Uruguay. Hitherto Austrian interests have been looked after by the Dutch Minister, Montevideo. 3 October 1930
Mlle Lily Damita, the famous film star. 11 January 1928
Senorita Elsenada, the famous South American female bullfighter. 12 March 1927
Javanese Royalty gives Paris a new sensation. Princess Fazil, sent to HollandJavanese Royalty gives Paris a new sensation
Keeping in memory the picturesque costumes of pre war Russia. Entertainer in Paris to support family. Count Bernard Esders. 27 January 1930
Danced with Prince George. Lili Damita. 14 September 1928
Sports fashion leader sets up shop. Mme Paul Reboux who has for some season set the fashion for French sporting womanhood, has just opened as establishment in the Rue de la Paix. 19 June 1926
Princess Fthie, granddaughter of the late Sultan Abdul Hamid of Turkey. 14 March 1927
Profile on coinage. Mme Berta Braun, a Society woman, whose charming profile has been perpetuated in the new Austrian coinage. 14 December 1926
Miss Algeria. Mlle Rives, of Algiers, who will represent her country in a competition to be held next month at Rio de Janeiro to determine who is the most beautiful woman in the world
Faith in her own invention causes concussion of the brain. Mme Auguste Hallmann who invented a hunting hat fitted with a pneumatic cushion, which she believed would banish all risk attending a toss
Noted cinema star as mannequin. Mlle Andree Lafayette, great great grand daughter of the famous Marquis de Lafayette. 8 February 1928
The idol of the Paris stage. Mlle Spinelly, the idol of Parisian theatregoers, with her son, Manuel, who is known as " Little Spi ". 8 December 1925
Milan society leader who is summering Eastbourne. Signore De Pallini, who hasMilan society leader who is summering Eastbourne
Countess Beroldingen. Viennese Society sportswoman. 16 July 1927
M Poincares Granddaughter wins fancy dress prize. Mlle Jane Poincare, a granddaughter of M Poincare, who, as The Balloon Girl won the first prize at a recent juvenile fancy dress ball in Paris
Mlle Lorenz, who is drawing crowds at Monte Carlo by her wonderful exhibition of the Stand still version of Charleston. 26 March 1927
Champion at her job. Mlle Lanoni, professional mixer at the smartest cocktail bar in Paris
Improved Victorian fashion on the Lido. Signorina Emmy Mogliani, the famous" Improved Victorian " fashion on the Lido
Dancing Princess visits London. Princess Beder Khan, the beautiful dancer, who has been visiting London. 11 December 1926
Ukelele Lady for the Hungarians. Countess Erzsi Pechy, who belongs to one" Ukelele Lady " for the Hungarians
Dicktator of Turkish womens fashions now in Paris. Helene Hanoum, wearing a Western adaption of the Eastern veil
Heroine in Frances most sensational show of the day. Mlle Yolande Laffon, of the comedie Francaise, who plays the principal part in Le Venin ( Venom ), the widely discussed play by Henri Bernstein
To give a tea party for the Prince on 31 January. Senora Fleirscheim a beautiful society Hostess of Havana. 21 January 1931
Princess of Furstenberg. The Princess was before her marriage, the Countess FrancoiseSportswoman to train in England Mme Olga Poufkin as just bought a small estate with a fine Georgian House in Yorkshire
Will this become popular next winter. Mme Agnes the famous Paris Modiste, wearingWill this become popular next winter
Not loved by French artistes. Miss Bessie Love, the latest American dancer to descend on Paris, where, following in the steps of so many others she is scoring a huge success. 1 November 1928
A Lancashire Lass. From Vienna. Miss Ruth Nielson, the famous Austrian Movie star, who plays the principal part in a new picture play dealing with life in Englands Industrial North. 7 August 1929
Another Scots girl makes her mark abroad. Miss Norah Sandys, described by the Austrian Press as the most highly paid mannequin in Vienna. 30 May 1925
17 year old boy, whose remarkable impersonation of a young woman of fashion obtained for him a cabinet contract at ?50 a week. Alexandre Lacom. 7 March 1928
Most Cosmopolitan girl in the world Miss Rita George, probably the most popular artiste of today on the Austrian stage
By appointment Violinist to the Kaiser. Mlle Alma Maria Rose, Viennas most popular young musician, who has just received such a signal honour from the ex - Kaiser
La Argentina, Spains greatest dancer. 4 June 1927
St Joan in Berlin. Saint Joan was produced in Berlin with pronounced all round success. The production was favoured by the personal charm of the Viennese actress, Elizabeth Bergner, who played Joan
Italys first woman engineer. Signorita Laetitia Andra, who has just graduated with honours in the National School of engineering. 15 March 1927
Ronald Colmans new partner. Mlle Lili Damita. 3 April 1928
Mlle Yvette, famous dancer and well - known in Paris and Viennese society. 24 January 1925
To tour the English big towns Countess Ilona Karolevna. The beautiful RussianTo tour the English big towns Countess Ilona Karolevna
Beauty and her Bun. Mlle Maria Schuster, daughter of Dr Schuster of ViennaBeauty and her " Bun "
Miss Romania Mlle Zaika Dona, a student at the University of Bucharest, who willMiss Romania Mlle Zaika Dona, a student at the University of Bucharest
Mlle Lori Loraine, the charming young Austrian actress, now appearing in SweetMlle Lori Loraine, the charming young Austrian actress, now appearing in " Sweet Kisses ", a popular new play in Vienna. 11 December 1926
Fraulein Lisl Goldarbeiter, who has been chosen as Miss Austria 1929. 4 February 1929
Ready to sacrifice her fortune for France. Mme Henry, who has offered to place her entire fortune at the disposal of the French Government, if a dozen other millionaires will follow her example
Madame Spinelly with her son Maneol Spinelly. The small boy is known everywhere as Little Spy. June 1928
Teaching a King how to sing. Baroness Marietta Styrces, who has undertaken the musical training of young King Michael. 8 November 1928
Mlle Regine Camier, the French actress. 16 September 1927
Mlle Lily Damita, film star. 23 January 1928
Champion woman golfer. Mdlle Daniela Parola, who won the French theatrical womens tournament. 24 October 1929