Cave Art - Lascaux - Prehistoric cave painting of running horse, from the cave system of Lascaux (Axial Gallery). Computer/artwork graphic by James Thorn
CAVE PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS. Prehistoric cave painting of Horse from Lascaux (Axial Gallery). Artwork and computer graphic by James Thorn. Copyright CWC
CAVE PAINTINGS Detail of cave paintings of a stag, from the Axial Gallery of Lascaux caves, France. Computer/artwork graphic by James Thorn
THEOSOPHY - THOUGHT-FORMS - ASTRAL PLANE Occult vision of the music of Gounod, being played on a church organ
CAVE ART. Prehistoric painting of Bison on the walls of Lascaux cave
Royal heraldic lion in tiling within the Alcazar in Seville, Spain
Reputed portrait of Joan of arc, from the original, formerly in the Church of St
ALCHEMY - Rosarium Philosophorum. Figure from the 1550 edition of the Rosarium Philosophorum, one of the most important alchemical texts of its period
Cyprus. Ayia Napa. MonasteryCyprus. Ayia Napa.Monastery
The skimming of the Moon ( saros circle ) at the circle of Callanish, Isle of Lewis. Built c. 2500 BC
Rhodes - Lindos Lindos is a town and an archaeological site on the east coast of the island of Rhodes (Rhodhos) in the Dodecanese Islands in south-eastern Greece
Cyprus. Paphos. Ancient Odeon
Cyprus. Petra Tou Romiou. Birthplace of Aphrodite
MASONIC - JEWELS. Masonic Jewel of Past Grand High Priest. Grand Chapter of Royal Arch masonry
Haunted Places. Bramber Castle, West Sussex where the ghosts of 3 starved children are seen, usually in December.These are the children of William de Braose
Ted Serios thoughtograph of London bus, Westminster Abbey, Nelsons Column, iralian renaissance building, St Pauls- ? TopFoto
Haunted places - Lindisfarne Castle - mainly monk-ghosts, some of whom walk through walls of castle. Also abbey & castle haunted by ghost of St. Cuthbert (poem by Sir Walter Scott)
ASTROLOGY - NOSTRADAMUS The schema of the cosmos [Mundus Elementaris] according to the late mediaeval cosmology: an engraving from Johann Daniel Mylius, Opus Medico-Chymicum, 1618
The demon-forms of Behemoth and Leviathan as visualized by William Blake in his Illustration to the Book of Job, 1825. The hippopotamus-like monster is Behemoth
Easter Island - Group of megalithic statues on Easter Island. - TopFoto / Charles WalkerEaster Island - Group of megalithic statues on Easter Island.- © TopFoto / Charles Walker
THE ROYSTON CAVE Templar cave at Royston, Hertfordshire, possibly used by the Knights Templar
CAVE PAINTINGS Fresco painting of two women (cloud maidens) in the cave beneath the ancient palace ruins of the Lion Rock at Sigriya, Sri Lanka. 5/6th century AD
Greek Mythology. Venus, Cupid and Pan. Ancient greek statuary of Venus, Cupid and Pan in the National Museum, Athens. From the sacred island of Delos. May be Roman copies
UFO photographed from Cranbrook High School, Cranbrook, England in December 1944 (14:30) by Robert Dowsing. Wendelle Stevens archives with arrangement with Charles Walker
FAIRY TALES - The sentimental Elf and the wayward Fairy. From Richard Doyles In Fairyland. A Series of Pictures from the Elf-World, 1875
ANIMALS - Bees on the sacred dress of Diana of Ephesus relate to the human soul: the temperature of the hive is the same as that of the human body
ANIMALS - BEES The bee as an arcane symbol - detail on the body of the huge statue of Diana of Ephesus
CHRISTIAN Three Magi with gifts. Stained glass (19th century) from Lincoln Cathedral
VAMPIRE - Model of vampire bat, flying in front of the Moon. Exhibition display for Witchcraft Museum
Flying demon - Gold-binding of demon flying over oriental city. From Andrew Langs edited version of The Arabian Nights Entertainments 1908
SAINTS - MATHILDIS - MAUD Saint Mathildis - often called in English, Saint Maud - was a 10th century German Queen, who had been well educated in the monastery at Erford
PORCUPINE The porcupine with the royal crown is the emblem of King Louis XII. Carved on the wall of the chateau at Blois
Astral and etheric - the fluid realm of the Etheric - abstract visualisation. - © TopFoto / Charles Walker
Cyprus. Larnaca. Roman aquaduct
Medical - The sacred healing tree of Hippocrates, on the island of Cos, Greece. Hippocrates was the physician born on Cos c.460 B.C. : he wrote many texts on the art of healing
Erotic Art Roman 3rd century phallic sculptures related to the Hermes along the sacred way of the temples on the island of Delos Greece
Christian Symbols Anchor Anchor as symbol of christ mosaic in floor in anceint Roman house on island of Delos
Greek island - Kalymnos 2006 Charles Walker / TopFotoGreek island - Kalymnos © 2006 Charles Walker / TopFoto
Molokai Island, Hawaii. The house formerly occupied by the last Kahuna magician on the Island. It is typically built inside a graveyard on the Kalaupapa peninsular
CAVE ART. Pictograph of a lizard-man carved by shamans or indian artists, on the so-called Newspaper Rock in Utah, USA
Easter Island - early maps - Lithographic reproductions of 18th century sea charts of Easter Island. Private collection. - © Charles Walker / TopFoto
MYTHOLOGY - OVID The titlepage of Ovids poem, Metamorphosis, turned into English by George Sandys, 1627
NOSTRADAMUS - SAMPLE QUATRAINS Within a hundred and fifty years of the death of Nostradamus (1566)
UFOs Unidentified flying objects in the skies on 7 August 1566 (the month after the death of Nostradamus), over the city of Basle, Switzerland. Loose reprint, after a broadsheet published in 1566
Easter Island - Birdman cult - Birdman carvings on the wooden statue of a Christian saint in the church at Easter Island. - © Charles Walker / TopFoto
NOSTRADAMUS - Statue of Nostradamus in Salon, the town where he lived and died. The statue is in Place de Gaule, and was sculpted in stone by Joseph Re, in 1867
ROSICRUCIAN - CHAKRAS - ZODIAC The image of Cosmic Man and Woman with the planetary centres which correspond [almost] to the charkas of the Oriental system
HOROSCOPES - WILLIAM BLAKE The horoscope of the English mystic, artist and poet, William Blake, who was born in London, at 7.45 pm on 28 November 1757 (figure 00)
NOSTRADAMUS - SIGNATURE The faltering signature of the clairvoyant astrologer Michel Nostradamus, on his will of 1566
Solar eclipse viewed through the trilithon portals of Stonehenge, the three monoliths of which reflect the three figures standing at the portal (Bacon, Newton and Locke)
The so-called Round Table of King Arthur, at Castle Hall, Winchester. The twentyThe so-called Round Table of King Arthur, at Castle Hall, Winchester
NOSTRADAMUS - CLIMATA Nostradamus frequently made references to places by way of latitudes (in the 16th century normally called climata) familiar to him from ancient literature
Easter Island. Statue, with traces of carvings on body
FAIRY TALES - Flirting. From Richard Doyles In Fairyland. A Series of Pictures from the Elf-World, 1875
Christian Three Magi with gifts Detail of the Three Magi carrying the three sacred gifts. Stained glass in the church of St Mary, Godstone, Surrey
Moon in the night sky. Crescent moon with the reflection of sunlight thrown by the earth lighting up the dark part of the moon
Eclipse of the Moon. Colour wood engraving in Agnes Gibernes Sun, Moon and Stars, 1881
Cartomancy Playing Cards The Witch (Hex) from a pack of cards for an old Rheinish Game Birds Play 1750
PLANETS -EARTH Lunar landscape - Earth-set. (The caption printed at the foot of this image is inaccurate). Colour wood engraving in Agnes Gilbernes Sun, Moon and Stars. 1881
Festivals - Halloween - window display in a store in the United States of America, where the witchcraft and ghost cult of Halloween is taken most seriously
MONSTERS. The Chimaaera. Chromolitho by Smit. From the 1896 edition of P L Scalter sMONSTERS. The Chimaaera. Chromolitho by Smit. From the 1896 edition of P L Scalters The Royal Natural History
UNICORN The Unicorn Fish. From the 1896 edition of P L Scalters The Royal Natural History
Britain, London Buckingham Palace A 2006 Charles Walker / TopFotoBritain, London Buckingham Palace e2006 Charles Walker / TopFoto
HISTORY OF BRITAIN - TOWER OF LONDON - HENRY VII, Nineteenth century lithographic printHISTORY OF BRITAIN - TOWER OF LONDON - HENRY VII Nineteenth century lithographic print, based on the late 15th century British Library manuscript, Royal 16, f. ii
Rearing snake (naga) around the Buddhist well, or royal bath (dated circa 1670) in the Tusa Hiti, Patan, Nepal
Ast. Sites Chartres The bull of Luke on the tympanum of the Royal Portal with the four zodiacal symbols for the Evangelists Chartres Cathedral 13th century
Mother of pearl inlay of the 108 symbols on the soles Feet of the Giant reclining Buddha in the Royal Palace temple Bangkok Thailand
MEDICINE Titlepage of the influential Pharmacopoea Londinensis, 1618, printed by John Marriot
Snakes Cobras and a rat-snake. Chromolithograph by Smit, from the 1896 edition of P L Scalters The Royal Natural History
MEDICAL A proclamation, of 1618, published at the command of King James I, instructing Engish apothecaries to follow the medicinable receipts of the newly printed dispensary
The northern constellations, as marked on an Arabic star map: after a nineteenth century lithograph by Nethercliff, for the Royal Asiatic Society
MONSTERS - The Blue Shark. From the 1896 edition of P L Scalters The Royal Natural History
NEPAL - Patan The sunken royal bath of the Tusha Hiti, at Patan, dated to 1670, with a large array of intricate carvings
FAIRY TALES - WILD SWANS The eleven wild swans with royal crowns. Illustration by Doreen Baxter, for the tale, The Wild Swans, in The Fairy-Tale Omnibus
MONSTERS - GIANT ANACONDA Giant anaconda in the swamp water of the Amazon. From the 1896 edition of P L Scalters The Royal Natural History
Christian Virgin Mary and Child. lithographic reproduction (19th century) of the drawing by Matthew Paris (who kneels at the feet of the Virgin). From British Library manuscript. Royal 14, c. VII
Illustration of a wild cat from Richard Lydekkers Royal Natural History, 1896
The Black Iguana. Illustration from Richard Lydenkkers Royal Natural History, 1896 - eTopFoto / Charles Walker
DREAMS - Insert colour plate diagram to illustrate a popular text on dream interpretation. From The Royal Book of Dreams. by Raphael, c. 1840. Plate seems to be earlier
The Duke of Gloucester accusing Jane Shore of witchcraft - Elizabeth Jane Shore (cThe Duke of Gloucester accusing Jane Shore of witchcraft - Elizabeth " Jane" Shore (c. 1445 - c)
Baboons - illustration from Richard Lydekkers Royal Natural History, 1896 - A TopFotoBaboons - illustration from Richard Lydekkers Royal Natural History, 1896 - eTopFoto / Charles Walker
Gems and Stones Hephaestites The Masonic Jewel of Past Grand High Priest Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masonry
Strange phenomena - Mimicry in insects. Illustration from Richard Lydekkers Royal Natural History, 1896. - eTopFoto/Charles Walker
BRITISH MYTHS - HOLY MAID OF KENT The Imposture of the Holy Maid of Kent, with in lower register, Edwad VI of England signing the warrant for Joan Bochers arrest and trial. Engraving by J