Scottie dog guards the chimney on Christmas Eve. Lets hope he ll allow Santa Claus in the house! 1947
Royal Blue the Kings racing pigeon and first carrier of the war" Royal Blue" the Kings racing pigeon and first carrier of the war carried a message from a force landed plane on hte Continent has been invested with the animals VC The Dickin Medal
Ladies Kennel Association Championship Show. these elegant Borzois (Dogs) settleLadies Kennel Association Championship Show. These elegant Borzois (Dogs) settle themselves for brief siesta alongside the No Parking sign outside Olympia, London
Paris dog show becomes fashion show 10th July 1954As this woman shows, the Paris dog show has become a fashion show 10th July 1954
Dog at the hairdresser
Giant Sturgeon at Mac Fisheries shop in Bond Street, Westminster, London carried by 5 men 28 April 1921
Bob Noell tickling a gorilla. 18 April 1968
Paul Wilson and dog Mickey. 1938
London will see its own music Hall coster Queen do the Lambeth Walk when Kate Carney appears in the Royal Variety Command Performance at the Coliseum next month
The first knitting club for men!. The first mens knitting club has been formed in Prague with the avowed object of propagating and teaching the art of knitting among men
The tea boys at Lloyd Loom. 1938
Heres a new kind of mermaid with ten peculiar hands and the same number of feet - webbed. Actually, the subwater goddess effect is formed by five beauties who invaded a beach at Hamburg, Germany 1954
Mr Cherry Keartons wonderful chimpanzee accompanies him in his film lecture Wild Animal Life. Mary with Mr Cherry Kearton. 28 April 1926
Ken Russell - self portrait taken on timer A racing dog wants some keeping up with - unless you re the proud possessor of a pogo stick like this old fashioned lady is. Up she goes
Great Dane & Chihuahua, the largest and smallest breeds at Crufts 10th February 1968 - which saw a record entry of 7, 017 dogs, the biggest dog show in the world, now being held at Olympia
Mrs. H. Parsons, of Hove, who for a bet, walked from Hove to Olympia with her greatMrs.H.Parsons, of Hove, who for a wager, walked from Hove to Olympia with her Great Danes " Saxo And Dana" of Elverland
A ewe with her dog friend climb in the window of a sports car in West Malling. 1937
ERA at Crystal Palace. Children watching race. 1937
Mr Groombridge and his sheepdog, smoking their pipes, aboard their poney trap. 1936
Peter, zoo chimp, gives his keeper a close shave! Keeper Harry Browns dailyPeter, zoo chimp, gives his keeper a close shave
187 brass bands competing at Crystal Palace. 29 September 1934
Commuter asleep on the train wearing a sign saying Please wake me up at SidcupCommuter asleep on the train wearing a sign saying " Please wake me up at Sidcup"
Weatherman didn t see through this!. Marie Wilson, the Hollywood actress, protects her fashionable bathing dress with this novel wet weather costume made of cellophane
Warm weather brings nude beach fashion. A new summer beach fashion worn by Lorraine Hilliard at Ocean View, New Jersey, USA
Mr Matt Kelly, head keeper at Manchesters Belle Vue Zoo, seems to have a job ahead of him scrubbing this array of ivory
The nurse chimpanzee. Snooky, said to be the most human - like chimpanzeeThe nurse chimpanzee. " Snooky ", said to be the most human - like chimpanzee in the world, nursing the baby daughter of Mr and Mrs John Rounan, of Los Angeles. 31 December 1923
Elephant doing tricks for the camera, Tanya rehearses at the London Palladium for the Royal Variety Performance, which will be attended by the Queen. 13th November 1967
Bathing Von Bruno - an 18 stone St Bernard 1963
In Harrods a Cassowary ( price 250 guineas ) - one of the items for sale in the pets department at Harrods, the famous London store. 11 July 1968
Elephant learning to drive a car
Give Me Pale Ale anytime. April 1958Give Me Pale Ale anytime says this spaniel. April 1958
SANDY, an 18 month old Golden Retriever, is placidly homeward bound as he is photographed here, teeth clamped into the wicker basket which contains the family joint
Ten-month old chimpanzee Casey caught playing court to Caesar, a champion Chihuahua. He is helping prepare him for next months Crufts Dog Show
Skippy the poodle has remarkable road safety sense and escorts her charges across the zebra crossing at Heston in Middlesex. 10th March 1954
The Ladies Kennel Association are holding their annual Show at Olympia in London today
Xanadu of Carloway an Afghan Hound Dog being groomed by owner Mrs G Taylor of Esher Surrey at Crufts Dog Show Olympia London 9th February 1962
Dog socialites Candide and Koko on right have a dinner martini at the 400 Restaurant where they performed in the current drive for funds for the New York Lighthouse Association for the Blind
Henry Woggins, the pet dog of Mrs Fraser Simpson, author of Footsteps in the NightHenry Woggins, the pet dog of Mrs Fraser Simpson, author of " Footsteps in the Night"
Mr Groombridges Sheepdog 1936 The Old Soldier on Guard - with pipe and stick
Whenever she went out in the car Mischief a three year old spaniel owned by Trisha Bingham, who lives near Eastbourne, came back crying
Canine Film Star. British number one beautiful brown eyed Great Dane called JunieCanine Film Star
Watch your Bach with this dogDog plays Bach at the piano
Boy rollerskating on the pavement with his pet dog on a lead, who is carrying1950s Britain. Boy in shorts rollerskating on the pavement with his pet dog on a lead, who is carrying his cap in his mouth. c. 1950
Ben always gets his man - the unfortunate suspect makes a rapid climbBen always gets his man - the unfortunate " suspect" makes a rapid climb of a nearby tree with Ben hot on his heels
Cute puppies hanging on the linePuppies hanging on the line!
Salvo, who made a record number of drops with the Parachute Regiment, wearing the American-designed harness used by Rob
Portable wireless! Typical British bulldog is quite content with his Marconi receiving set and headphones.1922
At a canine beauty parlour, Knightsbridge, London. Preparing dogs for a show. ShearingAt a canine beauty parlour, Knightsbridge, London. Preparing dogs for a show. Clipping a poodle. 1 May 1928
Tunbridge Wells Canine Societys Show. Mrs Edna Carlton with her prize winning Afghan Hounds. 1935
Bully the mascot of the R. F. C. 20 November 1917Bully the mascot of the R.F.C. 20 November 1917
Surrey county dog show At Kensington Mrs. Hudsons Great Danes 23rd February, 1933
Dog doing tricks - dressed up in wig in front of mirror
Plane passenger seats become lifebelts in 10 seconds. New safety device for flying-boats
Cartoon by Sax Smelly Feet Usually paying little or no attention to political correctness, Sax cartoons are often saucy and irreverent, often a sly look at gender relations, marriage, men, women
Naval cadets from the Thames Nautical College training ship HMS Worcester are being evacuated from Greenhithe to the countryside
Queen distributes Royal Maundy. The Queen and Prince Philip attended the Maundy service at Westminster Abbey during which her Majesty distributed the tradional Royal Maundy
Two young men laughing - ?TopFoto
Brussels is now sweltering in a heatwave, bathers may perform Foxtrots and other dances in the water to the music of a band in bathing costumes. 18 August 1937
The London Divisional Signals (City of London Signals), Territorials, rehearse the display of trick motorcycle riding at Mons Barracks, Aldershot, in preparation for the Royal Tournament
The victory ball at the Albert Hall Mlle Edmee Dormeuil as a bunch of grapes 12 November 1919
Egg and Spoon swimming race Victoria Park 7th August 1937
Competitor arrives by taxi for sunshine dancing finals. The finals of the Sunshine Dancing Competition in aid of the Sunshine Homes for Blind Babies took place at the Scale Theatre
Worlds Biggest Violin The worlds biggest violin which played a part in the the largest conference of the music industries ever held in New York
Two Geese have a bath in an old bath tub undated
Knee deep in flood water a housewife hangs out her washing at Maidenhead. 1 January 1936
The Camping and Outdoor Life Exhibition at Alexandra Palace London The mo-bed, a car roof-top sleeping compartment. Lucy de Winter from Buenos Aires demonstrates the mo-bed in use. 13 January 1959
Water Belles on Water Bicycles These charming girls on water bicycles caused something of a sensation at Coney Island, when they engaged in a race with men swimmers and won easily
Polling Day Scenes Eton boys help their master candidate Eton boys hire a cab tour Windsor shouting for the Conservative candidate
King George VI poses with a large pig, helping to promote the use of swill made from waste during the war to keep Britain fed. 8 August 1942
Two with a single heart! Graceful necks as swans do a little billing and cooing in a quiet corner of the pond. heartshape 22 April 1937
What big teeth you ve got. Child with hippopotamus
Monkey with passionate hatred of women. But she likes men. With a fierce southern temperMonkey with passionate hatred of women. But she likes men
Orang-utang - or Orangutan - makes Christmas pudding
Slow But Sure The time honoured saying The Way To A Mans HeartSlow But Sure The time honoured saying " The Way To A Mans Heart Is Through His Stomach", applys equally where tortoises are concerned
A little girl looks at the rabbits. 1937
Miss Barbara Kelly and her alsatians Meg and Coona "Miss Barbara Kelly and her alsatians " Meg " and " Coona ", who presented a canine cabaret at Olympia in aid of the Royal Veterinary College
A Kenyan hedgehog
London Zoo has an ostrich for the first time in nearly 2 years. After being withoutLondon Zoo has an ostrich for the first time in nearly 2 years
Young mother Shumba cradles her male offspring, named Kishum, who was the first arrival for the New Year at Howletts Zoo Park in Kent. Kishum weighed in at 3lb at 4am on January 1st 1990
Francis, a six-year-old male orangutan, has come from Munich Zoo as a new partner for Mary, the orangutan at London Zoo
Schoolgirls with their pets at school. 1939
Suffering from that morning after feeling, DICKSI, the African bull elephant, gratefully accepts a livener from his keeper at the London Zoo on Boxing Day morning. 26th December 1946
Famous lucky black cat strolls passed Number 10 Downing Street during the European Crisis 3 September 1939
Getting in trim for the circus ring. 16-year-old Olga Astley, one of Britain sGetting in trim for the circus ring