First Christmas Fat Stock Show since the war at Edenbridge. D. Fawkes and R. A. Ashby judging piglets. 24th November 1952
Dartford fat stock show. A man proud of his pig. 1935
Pigs being herded onto the back of a G Hales and Sons contractor lorry at Hales Pig Farm in Footscray, Kent. 21 June 1937
Dartford Fs Show. Pig and twins. 1934
Pigs on the back of a Hales and Sons Contractors lorry at Hales Pig Farm in Footscray, Kent. 21 June 1937
The long pig stye at Tripes farm, Orpington, Kent. 1936
A farmer rides his pig at the Dartford fat stock show. 1937A farmer " rides " his pig at the Dartford fat stock show. 1937
Hales Pig Farm in Footscray, Kent. 21 June 1937
Swanley College Girls being given Pig tuition. 1934
Dartford Fs Show. 1934
Two ladies admiring the pigs at the Dartford Fat Stock show. 1935
Farmers stand over the pigs at the Dartford Fat Stock show. 1937
Betty the Gloucester Old Spot sow with her eight new piglets, four and a half days old. Kent UK credit: Marie-Louise Avery / thePictureKitchen / TopFoto