Gravesend Gasworks in Kent. The gasometer top. 1939
Gravesend Water Works in Kent. The boiler room. 1939
Gravesend Water Works in Kent. General view of the works. 1939
Gravesend Gasworks in Kent. Loading gas coal into retorts. 1939
Gravesend Gasworks in Kent. The gas pump. 1939
Gravesend Gasworks in Kent. The coke filler. 1939
Gravesend Gasworks in Kent. A retort minder. 1939
Gravesend Gasworks in Kent. The gas cleaner. 1939
Gravesend Water Works in Kent. The chlorine plant. 1939
Gravesend Water Works in Kent. The chief engineer. 1939
Gravesend Water Works in Kent. The pump room machinery. 1939
Gravesend Water Works in Kent. A worker in the control room. 1939
Gravesend Gasworks in Kent. A worker examines the gas meter main. 1939
Gravesend Gasworks in Kent. Men working in the fitting shop. 1939
Gravesend Gasworks in Kent. Flames coming out of the retorts. 1939
Gravesend Gasworks in Kent. General view of the works. 1939
Gravesend Gasworks in Kent. The control room. 1939
Gravesend Gasworks in Kent. The engine room. 1939
Gravesend Water Works in Kent. A well. 1939