6540 Jasmine Trevanna of Cricklewood, London - aka Yasmin the Fire Eater. 1960s
The London Divisional Signals (City of London Signals), Territorials, rehearse the display of trick motorcycle riding at Mons Barracks, Aldershot, in preparation for the Royal Tournament
The Youngs cruise along in the lake. The entire body of the amphicar floats on both longitudinal and transverse stiffeners. Top speed in the water is approximately 10 mph. © TopFoto
Live toys at Derry and Toms 23 November 1920
Live toys at Derry and Toms Shetland Ponies at ?15 24 November 1919
King Carnival at Nice. Masqueraders dancing in the streets. 27 January 1921
In a city of nightmare houses. Picture from Los Angeles showing an Ice Cream shop fashioned like an owl and named Hoot Hoot I Scream 17 May 1928
In a city of nightmare houses. From Los Angeles showing a ice cream shop known as the Igloo 16 May 1928
In a city of Nightmare houses. A new picture from Los Angeles showing an ice cream shop known as the Freezer built like one. 17 May 1928
Exhibition of Cubist picture by Pablo Picasso at the Leicester Galleries Still Life Harlequin 12 January 1921
Diving six at once 1929
A cameraman takes photos while a kestrel sits waiting. 24 August 1937
Elephants crossing, Footscray. 1935
Rabbit derby. The rabbit derby in progress on the beach at Venice, California. 1 April 1935
Swans fed inside the golf club. 21 October 1937